The sixth issue of Annals of Nursing


We are proudly presenting the second issue of the second volume of the Annals of Nursing, which will continue publishing as a joint production of The Medika College of Vocational Studies in Healthcare, Belgrade, Serbia, and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Montenegro, Podgorica. This is the first Serbian-Montenegrin joint project in medical publishing ever. Katarina Jonev Ćiraković presents a very interesting text about the patient’s rights in the light of EU and Serbian legislative. Manca Pajnič et al. show that fear of failure can be mitigated in 20% of cases using supervised examinations. In their retrospective clinical study Milan Spaić and Aleksandar Mandarić elaborate a very important topic in general medical practice and transplantation medicine – diagnostics of brain death. Anita Kovačić Popović et al. bring a review about the integration of rehabilitation services.