Authors : Gordana Beshliovska, Julijana Madzovska
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Manuscript keywords: education, nurses, North Macedonia,nursing
The title of “nurse” is acquired through four years of regular education in a secondary vocational school for nursing. Currently, fifteen schools are accredited to educate students, and several of them are authorized to conduct part-time education organized as formal education for adult retraining (requalification) lasting two years. The students in both cases will acquire the same title and competencies and are eligible to continue to the second level of education at a higher vocational school for nurses. The studies of nurses at higher professional education are a continuation of the education that provides a high professional education, but anyone who has completed secondary school, regardless of whether she or he is in the health profession, is eligible to study nursing. The title of “graduate nurse,” i.e., "graduated medical technician," is acquired through three years of regular or part-time studies. To study part-time, it is necessary to enclose verification of employment, regardless of whether you work as a healthcare worker or a completely different job. Four state higher vocational schools for nursing and a private one are providing nursing education. The competencies of a graduate nurse and a nurse with secondary nursing school education are almost the same in practice. A person acquires the title of "nursing specialist" with the successful completion of the study program of the second degree of studies, with which she or he acquires education and qualifications for performing the health activity of a nurse with a special profile. The highest level of nursing qualification, the doctorate in nursing science or any other field of nursing, does not exist at universities where higher professional schools educate nurses. By obtaining a diploma from the third study program of a foreign higher education institution, where the studies have quality results as per the European directives for regulated professions, you are recognized in the Republic of North Macedonia. Studying abroad for an individual who pays on his own is too expensive, and the state does not provide scholarships, which is why the title is "The Thorned Road to an Academic Career."