Authors : Vlatka Mrzljak
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Manuscript keywords: health care,, home care services,nurses,
Background: Health care in the home is an activity in the system of primary-level health care
that is carried out independently by nurses and medical technicians with the corresponding
authorization for independent work. Although all the necessary nursing interventions are
carried out in accordance with the order of the patient´s chosen doctor and in cooperation with
other members of the multidisciplinary team (patient service, palliative care coordinator,
mobile team), the fact is that the nurse or medical technician who performs nursing
interventions for a patient in need is on-site alone. This is precisely the leading reason for the
premise of the high importance of investing in one´s own education for the purpose of
expanding competencies and ensuring quality, efficient, and effective health care. The
background of the problem of this scientific paper is also the daily presence and increasing
frequency of the need to carry out increasingly demanding nursing interventions (for example, complex patients) in the place of residence or residence of the patient (most often in
is apartment or house) by nurses and medical technicians of health care at home.
Aim: To show and examine the willingness of nurses and medical technicians to be included
in the process of lifelong education in correlation with the need for highly educated health
personnel who provide health care for patients, and to show the models of education of nurses
and medical technicians in home health care that have been applied so far.
Methods: Research was conducted from January to February and June to August of 2022. The
criteria for inclusion in the research were computer literacy and employment in the field of
health care at home. The first survey included 92 participants, and the second included 100
participants. The data were processed using the usual statistical methods. In addition to the
research conducted using Google Forms, a search of available literature was also conducted.
Results: The first survey shows that 78% of participants expressed the desire and need for
additional training, while the second shows 87.9% of them with a clear indication of the areas
or procedures in which they think training is necessary. Also, an insight into professional and
scientific literature leads to clear knowledge about previous and current models of education
in nursing, specifically with nurses and medical technicians in home health care.
Conclusion: The significant contribution of this scientific paper is primarily the nomination of
a nurse and a medical technician for home health care as key factors in providing quality,
accessible, and continuous health care at the patient´s home at the level of primary health care.
Furthermore, the need and readiness of health personnel for additional training are confirmed.
The model of existing education is clearly presented, and the vision of further innovative
approaches and models in the education of nurses and medical technicians in home health care
is presented. It is suggested to carry out further survey research in the form of an examinations of the efficiency and effectiveness achieved in daily work through additional competences
achieved after the completion of new innovative models of education in nursing, primarily with
regard to home health care activities.