Manuscript submission

The papers should be submitted online on the journal website.

All manuscript pages must be numbered, starting from the front page. Use the Times Roman font 12, with left justification and double space. The maximum size of a paper, excluding tables and figures, depends on the type of submission: Original Research Article – 3500 words, Review Article – 5000 words, Case Report – 1500 words, Letter to Editor – 500 words, Commentary – 500 words. The number of tables and figures is limited to five and three, respectively.

Cover Letter should contain a statement that all co-authors have approved the content and submission of the paper and specify the role of each co-author in preparing the manuscript. The corresponding author should make a statement about the conflict of interest. It should be stated that the manuscript has not been published nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere. The corresponding author should also explain why he/she thinks the paper should be published in the Annals of Nursing.

Front page contains the article title, the authors' full names, the authors' affiliations, word count, the number of tables, the number of figures, and the full name, email address and telephone of the corresponding author.

Abstract should have the size of up to 250 words, in a structured form, with subheadings: Background, Aim, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion.

Manuscript should be organized in six segments: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments and References.

References should be connected with the text using superscript figures by the order of mentioning.

If there are up to six authors mention them all. If there are more than six authors mention just the first three authors followed by “et al.”.

Here are the examples of citing:

  • Croxon L, Maginnis C. Evaluation of clinical teaching models for nursing practice. Nurse Education in Practice 2009; 9(4): 236–243.
  • Schreier M. Qualitative content analysis in practice. London: Sage; 2012.
  • Forrest-Lawrence P. Case study research. In: Liamputtong P. (Ed.), Handbook of research methods in health social sciences. Singapore: Springer, 2019; pp. 317–331
  • Statistik Austria . (2021) Healthcare personnel. Available at: (accessed 08 July 2021) (in German)
  • Lercher P, de Coensel B, Dekoninck L, Bottldooren D. Alternative traffic noise indicators and its association with hypertension. Proceedings of the Euronoise 2018; May 27–31, 2018; Crete. [Madrid]: European Acoustic Assoc; Available at Jointly published by the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics.


Tables should be uploaded separately and numbered. Please do not use vertical rules, while horizontal rules should be restricted to a minimum. Please indicate the place in the text where comes a table. Please do not use spaces to align columns in tables, but use only one tab between each vertical column.


All illustrations should be provided electronically as separate graphic files (in GIF, TIF or JPEG format; 400 dpi) and not embedded in the text of the manuscript. Please number the figures. Please provide illustrations in the size that you want them to appear in the Journal. Legends for illustrations should be presented separately at the end of the manuscript and should be identified by number.

Publication Charge

For accepted papers a publication charge of 300 EUR will be applied prior to the start of publication process. Please visit www. for payment.

Submission platform

You can submit manuscripts only through our platform. You can access it by clicking the button below. You need to have an account on our website in order to access the platform.